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10 warehouse accident statistics you should know.

5 minutes to read

In a warehouse, good health and safety can protect lives, increase productivity and improve the morale of your employees. However, more often than not, businesses fall short when it comes to health and safety — and the consequences can sometimes be damaging.

To help you understand more about the current health and safety landscape in warehousing, we have collated ten impactful warehouse accident statistics with actionable tips along the way.


1. There were 123 workers killed in work-related accidents in 2021/22, with 22 of these happening in the manufacturing sector. (HSE)

There are many reasons why a fatal incident could take place at work. However, one of the most effective ways to avoid them is by providing regular health and safety training to both old and new staff. This way, they are more likely to follow precautions and be aware while at work.

2. 23 fatal accidents for workers in 2021/2022 happened because a moving object struck someone. (HSE) 

This warehouse accident statistic highlights the importance of operator forklift training. Knowing how to operate a forklift efficiently and safely reduces the risk of accidents and ensures that your warehouse is a safe space for all employees to work in.


3. 18% of accidents in 2020/2021 occurred due to handling, lifting or carrying. (UK Law)

Your business should remove the need for manual handling in any situation. Instead, we recommend purchasing a fleet of forklift trucks if you have not already. Find out why the right fleet of trucks can reduce handling, lifting and carrying injuries in your workplace here.


4. The number of employees who have suffered fatal injuries in the warehouse industry has increased by 23% when compared to figures released at the same time last year. (Factory & Handling Solutions)

The fact that warehouse accident statistics figures are on the rise highlights that businesses are struggling to achieve their health and safety goals. To help you make impactful changes, check out this article.


5. 42% of forklift truck accidents in 2020 involved crushing by a vehicle tipping over. (

Certain features on Toyota’s trucks aim to stop a forklift from tipping over. These include active mast control (AMC). Discover more about our safety features by downloading our infographic.


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6. 8% of non-fatal warehouse injuries in 2021 occurred due to employees slipping or tripping. (NimbleFins)

There are certain measures your business can put in place to avoid accidents such as slips and trips happening. These include keeping aisles free of obstructions and optimising your warehouse layout. Read more about these measures here.  

7. According to the HSE, a fatal employee accident costs a business just shy of £100,000. (HSE)

Nothing is more tragic than a loss of life; this is the most crucial reason to have suitable health and safety measures in place. The cost of both fatal and non-fatal accidents can also have a significant financial impact on a business.

8. 80 members of the public were killed as a result of work-related accidents in 2021/2022. (Napthens)

Not having the correct health and safety measures can also put members of the public at risk. Your employees must keep this in mind at all times and you should cover it during health and safety training.

9. There remains a disproportionate risk to older workers, with around a quarter (29%) of fatal injuries involving workers aged 60+.

When it comes to employees taking on responsibilities, you should ensure they have adequate training and skills. Although some older employees may have been at your business for longer, they must still receive refresher training regularly.

10. There was an increase in manual handling injuries in 2020/21 compared to 2019/20, in which 116,200 were recorded. (Leigh Day)

Although forklift trucks can take on most handling tasks, you should also provide general safety training for your employees, which covers aspects such as correct lifting techniques, and safe loading and unloading of vehicles. This is something we can support you with. To find out more about the health and safety training we offer, click below.

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